

The Elder and Disability Law Firm, APC June 18, 2014

It is good to remain positive and avoid fear-based thinking when you are planning ahead for the latter stages of your life. But at the same time, being aware of the various perils that exist is important if you want to steer clear of certain unsavory situations.

With the above in mind you would do well to recognize the fact that elder financial abuse is a widespread problem in the United States today. One way that people with unscrupulous aims target senior citizens is through Internet-based predation.

When it comes to scams, it is best to let common sense be your guide. You are not going to meet any new best friends online who will provide you with extraordinary financial gain later on if you put out a certain sum of money upfront.

If you are not certain that you are dealing with a reputable entity take no action and enlist the advice of trusted family members and/or colleagues to obtain a second opinion.

We are not suggesting that it is patently unsafe to do any business over the Internet. However, you do have to be extremely careful because unscrupulous predators do exist.

Keeping identity thieves at bay is important as well, and this is partially achieved through the utilization of very secure passwords. You should also use different passwords for each of your accounts so that you would be minimizing the damage if an identity thief was to acquire one of them.

These are a few thoughts to keep in mind as you go forward in the electronic age. To learn more about the challenges that our seniors face and how you can protect yourself from a legal perspective, simply take a moment to arrange for a consultation with a licensed and experienced San Bernardino elder law attorney.

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