California residents who are seeking disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are not required to have medical records on hand to file or qualify for disability. However, to make a determination about an applicant's benefits, disability examiners will need to have medical history treatment notes. For those who don't have the financial resources to visit a doctor, they may have to consult with local medical clinics to see if there are any that may assist individuals who have limited resources or no insurance.
Individuals who are able to find a medical clinic that will examine and treat them should obtain their treatment at that clinic. In situations in which there are no free clinics, individuals could use hospital emergency room visits to establish medical treatment.
In cases in which people have no medical records when they apply for disability benefits, or if their medical records are older than 90 days, a consultative examination will be scheduled by the disability examiner. The consultative examination, also referred to as a Social Security medical exam, will address all of the impairments that are being claimed by the applicant. People who state that they have physical and mental impairments and have received little or no medical treatment for their conditions will be required to undergo both mental and physical consultative examinations to verify the limitation and severity of their conditions.
Typical consultative examinations are simply brief examinations that are used to determine the status of a claimant's disabling condition. They are often used by the disability examiners to render a decision and close the case.
A lawyer who's experienced in Social Security disability cases can assist a client through the process of applying for benefits. If necessary, the attorney could advocate on behalf of a disabled client whose claim for benefits has been denied.
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