When you start to plan your estate in earnest you would do well to consider the details that must be attended to after you pass away. Unless the situation is very simple there are going to be some considerable tasks that must be undertaken by the individual or individuals that you choose to administer the estate.
Should you decide to use a last will to elucidate your final wishes the person who will be charged with taking care of the business of the estate is the executor or personal representative.
Your first thought may be to name someone who is particularly close to you as a sign of love and respect, and this is fine on the one hand. However, the executor is going to have to handle things like property liquidation and sale, payment of final taxes and other expenses, and additional administrative tasks. So, he or she should be someone with considerable business savvy.
The same thing is true of your trustee if you choose to utilize a trust to direct the transfer of your assets after you pass away. One option that is available to you would be to arrange for a professional entity such as a trust company to administer the trust in accordance with your wishes.
If you have questions about trust administration and are wondering about the best way to proceed the logical first step is to sit down and discuss the details with a licensed and experienced Redlands CA estate planning lawyer. Your attorney will provide you with the information that you need and assist you as you execute an ironclad estate plan that is tailor-made to suit your needs.