People who start to get serious about contemplating the implications of their mortality oftentimes think about the impact that they have had on the world as they were passing through. The mark that you leave is known as your legacy, and with the assistance of medical science your legacy can include the gift of life.
Some conditions that were previously untreatable can now be addressed via organ transplant surgery. The challenge lies in the fact that there are always more people who need transplants than there are donors. In fact, according to statistics provided by OrganDonor.gov eighteen people who are on organ transplant lists die every day because there was no organ available for them.
With the above in mind you could choose to be an organ donor in an effort to save the life of another. You can state your desire to do so when you are working with your Redlands estate planning attorney to execute your living Will.
In addition to letting your wishes be known in your living Will you can also sign up for the organ donor registry online and you can do so by following this link: Donate Life California.
Everyone must pass away some day, but if you could pass the baton of life to someone else as a parting act it could be extremely meaningful to you as an individual and without question, an organ donation that saved a patient's life would certainly be greatly appreciated by the recipient and his or her family.