Alzheimer's disease is more common than a lot of people may think. The Alzheimer's Association does a lot of great work with regard to research and education, and they tell us that somewhere in the vicinity of 40% of the oldest old are suffering from this disease.
The term "oldest old" refers to people who are at least 85 years of age. Believe it or not, this is the fastest growing age group in the United States so experts expect the number of cases of Alzheimer's to grow.
Sadly, there is no treatment for Alzheimer's and of course there is no cure. In addition there has been no way to diagnose the disease physically.
However, this may have changed. A recent study that was conducted at the Mayo Clinic has yielded positive results. Researchers have found that the way that a senior citizen walks can be an indicator. A shorter stride and slower gait are the warning signs.
When you combine the fact that Alzheimer's disease is victimizing four out of every 10 people who are at least 85 years old with the increasing lifespans you can see that each of us should be aware of the possibility of contracting this disease.
Alzheimer's induced dementia can make it impossible to make sound medical and financial decisions. As a result, it is important to execute durable powers of attorney naming hand-picked decision-makers to act in your behalf should it become necessary.
If you would like to put these important documents in place, don't hesitate to pick up the phone to arrange for a consultation with a good Riverside estate planning lawyer.